GOTS: Say no to greenwashing!
Say YES to responsibly produced certified textile and be sure you are protecting your health and the planet. Find out why to choose sustainable GOTS products and printing and what to look out for when choosing them. Our new video will explain everything too!

Our choices affect more than meets the eye. With every purchase we make, we are supporting a particular manufacturer and "voting" for more products like the one we just bought to be made. Every piece of textile has a long production journey, but that journey can look very different for, say, two ordinary T-shirts - toxic chemicals may be used, the health of workers and the surrounding environment may not be protected, or, on the contrary, it may be a completely sustainable and ethical journey. But how do you know which production route a particular T-shirt has taken?
Certifications that monitor and check each aspect of sustainability for you can be of help. Nowadays, however, it's not enough to just check whether a textile has a "green" logo. Find out what the label actually guarantees and don't be fooled by symbols that only evoke a guarantee of sustainability but are in fact a conventionally produced product.
Say NO to greenwashing!
Greenwashing is a term for misinformation spread to present oneself as environmentally responsible. As consumer interest in sustainable products has gradually increased, many manufacturers have decided to start doing their part to protect the environment. However, it happens that claims about how much a company is doing for nature and how the impacts of their products are environmentally friendly are not substantiated in any way and often do not correspond with reality. Product information tends to be misleading or semi-truthful. Responsible consumers looking only for sustainable products may be misled. Well-known, trusted certifications such as GOTS provide assurance that a product has indeed been produced in accordance with the highest environmental and ethical standards.
Say YES to GOTS certified textile!
GOTS or Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a globally recognised certification for the processing of textile made from organic natural fibres. GOTS verifies compliance with strict environmental and ethical requirements throughout the textile production process, from the actual growing of the crops, to fibre processing, dyeing, sewing, distribution and printing. In order for the final product to carry the GOTS label, every production that is part of the process must be certified. With high requirements for transparency, traceability and verifiability in all aspects of production, GOTS is a guarantee of a truly sustainable product.
At MERCHYOU, we care about our planet, the environment and human health. That is why we are constantly striving to improve our production processes to be as environmentally and human friendly as possible. We are delighted to be one of the first textile printers in Europe to bring you GOTS certified eco-friendly textile printing. Not only the textile and inks for printing, but all our production processes are in line with the highest ecological and ethical standards as well. Find out more about the sustainable steps in our production.
Why choose GOTS?
Organically grown fibres – Organic fibres are grown according to organic farming principles, respecting the surrounding ecosystems and maintaining soil quality. No synthetic pesticides or GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are used. These environmentally friendly practices protect not only the purity of the product, but also the health of the farmers.
Responsible use of resources – GOTS certified products are produced using methods that minimize water consumption, do not use hazardous chemicals, and limit the production of CO2 emissions. GOTS inspection authorities require producers to monitor all their production steps and document data on energy consumption, water consumption, waste generation, etc.
Safe and fair working conditions – GOTS monitors compliance with all ethical and socially responsible standards. Throughout the supply chain, workers are required to be provided with a safe and hygienic working environment, treated with dignity and respect for the law in the form of, for example, free choice of employment, the ability to form unions or collective bargaining. Child labour or discrimination is prohibited.
Quality and healthy products for customers – Because GOTS has strict criteria to protect the environment and the health of workers, the final product is free of harmful residues - it is not carcinogenic or in any way toxic or allergenic to the end consumer. GOTS final products are tested for hazardous substances as part of regulatory compliance. Thus, when a customer purchases a GOTS textile, they can be sure that it is safe for his health.
GOTS vs. other certifications
GOTS certification guarantees comprehensive compliance with all environmental and social criteria for the entire textile supply chain. There are many other sustainability certifications, but most of them only look at one part of production (e.g., organic fibre farming) or one aspect of production (e.g., ethical and fair conditions for workers). If a textile is labelled 'organic' without any reference to an independent certification authority, there is no guarantee as to how sustainable the product as a whole is, and it may be greenwashing. Read our article Is your merch really GOTS? or check out our textile certificates overview.
Source: GOTS: Say no to Greenwashing