Kompostujme campaign
We work with the Slovak organisation Kompostujme, which spreads the vision of responsible bio-waste management. Find out what sustainable biodegradable merch we are about to print for their campaign!

We are very happy to be working with the organization Kompostujme to spread awareness about composting! At MERCHYOU, we are preparing sustainable decomposable t-shirts for the campaign, which will be compostable including the print.
Children were also involved in the collaboration and contributed to the design. Before drawing, they got inspiration from a workshop that showed them how composting and earthworms can be used to turn kitchen bio-waste into plant food. They learned how to set up a vermicomposter, and they also learned many interesting facts about earthworms such as they have no eyes and they breath with their entire body, and that their excrements are full of nutrients beneficial not only for plants! 😉
Drawn pictures and shapes related to composting will be used in the design on unique compostable t-shirts! By purchasing and wearing a natural raw cotton t-shirt, you will be supporting the awareness of home composting (until you compost the t-shirt 😊). Follow us on Instagram or Facebook where we will inform you about the launch of the pre-sale soon!
The Slovak organisation Kompostujme aims to expand and improve the composting of bio-waste, whether in homes, gardens or businesses. Their aim is to advise people on how to compost properly, to educate the general public, to create community and to promote localism and sustainable development. On their e-shop you can find a wide range of composting products - different types of composters, earthworms, raised garden beds, organic fertilizers, zero waste household supplies and more.
Follow Kompostujme on Instagrame or Facebooku.
Biodegradable textile with print
At MERCHYOU you can get unique compostable merch! By combining decomposable textile, which is made from Stanley/Stella's organic undyed GOTS certified cotton, and eco-friendly water-based decomposable inks, we've created a t-shirt that you can happily toss in the compost heap after wearing it, where it will naturally decompose. 🌱
By choosing certified compostable merch, you are protecting your health and nature. MERCHYOU's compostable textile print contributes to a better use of the value of clothing, which can be turned back into a natural resource with minimal waste and in line with the principles of the circular economy.
Find out more or send us your idea and get a non-binding price quote.