GOTS report 2020
As every year, the annual GOTS report was issued this year. We put together highlights and news that last year brought. Find out which regions have seen the highest growth in GOTS-certified companies and more.

The GOTS annual report GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) among other things informs about:
10,388 certified facilities reported in total (following 7,765 facilities in 2019)
More than 4 million workers reported in GOTS certified facilities (reported for 2020 by certification bodies)
GOTS participation in UN projects for Climate Change
GOTS Version 6.0 and corresponding Implementation Manual released (in force since March 2021)
• Certified entities must calculate the gap of paid wages to ‘Living Wages’ and are encouraged to close this gap.
• Specific references to OECD due diligence guidance and good practice guidance for social criteria and risk assessment as well as ethical business practices have been included.
25,913 approved chemical inputs, including 10,146 colourants, from 900 suppliers (an increase of 13%)
The GOTS certified facilities are located in 72 countries
• The largest growth in GOTS certifications in 2020 (countries and regions) are: China (114%), Sri Lanka (103%), Hong Kong (87%), France (82%) and Portugal (49%).
• The largest growth in GOTS certifications in 2020 (continents): Africa (68,18%), Europe (30,73%) a North America (13,5%).
• The top ten countries in terms of total numbers of GOTS certified facilities in 2020 are: India (3,015), Bangladesh (1,584), Turkey (1,107), China (961), Germany (684), Italy (588), Portugal (449), Pakistan (391), USA (167), and Sri Lanka (126).
Zdroj: GOTS annual report
Due to an ongoing pandemic, remote audits were permitted
GOTS operates with 16 approved independent certification bodies, 9 of whom have chemical input approval in their scopes.
In 2020, the GOTS-Social Accountability International (SAI) training programme for social audits of GOTS certified entities continued (moved to an online platform)
GOTS signed the open letter initiated by WWF ‘The COVID-19 recovery: time to speed up sustainability of the fashion, apparel and textile sector’ - a call for action
• GOTS received over 200 complaints, sued five companies and sent out 22 warning letters.
• GOTS on Amazon – The seller is only allowed to present a GOTS product on Amazon after having provided evidence of certification and correctly labelled products.
We are pleased that awareness of GOTS and the share of GOTS certified operations is rising! By choosing GOTS textile and printing, you also contribute to this. Thank you! 💚
You can read the whole report in English here.